Synergetic Collaboration between EPFL and GÜNAM on Development of Transport Materials and Perovskite Additives towards Cost-Effective and Stable Large Area Perovskite Solar Modules (Mesozoic)

Synergetic Collaboration between EPFL and GÜNAM on Development of Transport Materials and Perovskite Additives towards Cost-Effective and Stable Large Area Perovskite Solar Modules (Mesozoic)

Sorumlu APYK: ODTÜ-GÜNAM – EPFL (İsviçre)

Proje Yürütücüsü: Doç. Dr. Görkem GÜNBAŞ (ODTÜ-GÜNAM)

Proje Bilgileri:

This project aims to establish a synergistic collaboration between ODTÜ-GÜNAM and EPFL on development of hole transport passivation coatings, fullerene alternative electron transport materials and perovskite additives towards realization of cost-effective and highly stable perovskite solar cells for 4T silicon perovskite tandem applications. The main aim of the collaboration is to realize cost-effective alternatives to state-of-the-art materials (25% of the cost or lower) that matches or surpasses their performance in p-i-n type perovskite solar cells. Additionally development of cationic polymer based additives for extremely stable perovskite solar cells will also be pursued.